Bubbling up from the toxic smokestacks of New Jersey comes the east coasts newest shit-makers EXECÜTORS. EXECÜTORS sound like a scummy hammer and sickle thug-punk band coming straight outta the UK in the early 80’s. Think punchy hard-edged, pub rock Punk in the vein of COCK SPARRER, BLITZ, ANTI NOWHERE LEAGUE and GBH, but they go a little further than that. For one they speed things up a little more than their predecessors making the songs come off a little more brut and in your face. They also throw in some burly, riffy as fuck guitar solos that really bring these rough n tough, boot-stompin anthems to life. At times you can hear echoes of The mighty Templars amped up and boozed out with signature solos blazing. And everything is held together by a snide, snotty as fuck screamer with tempers flaring and a spite-filled axe to grind. Fourteen rough neck, brick wall smashers in all and nary a dud in the bunch. Impressive debut.
A1 Maximum Overdrive
A2 All Against All
A3 Justified Abuse
A4 Never To Old To Figh
A5 No Impulse Control
A6 Class Action
A7 Give Us Guns
B1 Little Boots
B2 Cops Can’t Believe
B3 The Storm
B4 Government Shutdown
B5 Yours To Take
B6 Let Them Build Condos
B7 World Of Shit