FLASHBACKS "1989" Photozine NO PLAN


The first issue of Flashbacks containing photos from all over the world taken live in 1989. On 72 pages you´ll find tons of great photos, some taken by affirmed photographers, others by fans. You can find bands like Afflict, Agent 86, Bad Brains, Bad Religion, Chain Of Strength, Cro-Mags, Extreme Noise Terror, Fugazi, Gorilla Biscuits, Infezione, Inside Out, Insted, Instigators, Judge, Kaos General, Kbo!, Kina, Kud Idijoti, Life…But How To Live It?, Lip Cream, Naked Raygun, Napalm Death, Neurosis, Operation Ivy, Outo, RKL, SNFU, Snuff, Stengte Dorer, Swiz, Underdog, Uniform Choice, Up Front, Victims Family, Walter Elf, Youth Of Today, and many, many more. 72 pages.