
Silver and Pistol were the voice and drummer of the old FAMILIA REAL and later of ATAÚD VACANTE, bands from the original Canarian Punk scene of the 80s and who have some compilation CDs published by Los ´80 Pasan Factura, a Canarian label and publisher focused on rock and punk on the islands. More recent projects like BRUTALIZZED KIDS or 13 MOTOS have kept them active and now they present this group called EMÉRITOS, with Pisti (bass) and Poti (guitar), after debuting with a seven-inch a couple of years ago.
EMERITOS make it clear that theirs is the sound oriented towards what is known as "punk 77", that first wave of what was called punk and in which were RAMONES, THE CLASH, SHAM 69, SEX PISTOLS or THE DAMNED, so you can already get an idea of ​​where the shots are going, as well as the enormous eclecticism of a release that focuses on different styles of understanding punk.

1.America 02:37
2.Diferente 02:30
3.Implacable 03:16
4.Sin Perder Un Segundo 02:42
5.Mi Tiempo En El Cielo 02:43
6.Herejes 02:07
7.En Pie 03:04
8.Perdición 02:11
9.Hija 02:54
10.Palabra 02:39